Spanish for Professionals Certificate

The program is a stand alone certificate program that is offered online. Course work requirements consist of 18 credit hours. Courses will be offered each semester as determined by enrollment. Both currently enrolled students in all majors, and prospective non-degree seeking students are eligible. Majors in the Social Sciences including Law Enforcement, Social Work, Nursing and Business are encouraged to enroll in this certificate program. Majors in the Foreign Languages at 魅色天堂, may also take this certificate as an add-on to their degree program, but may not substitute courses within the major. Students currently enrolled as a minor in Foreign Language may also take this certificate or substitute elective courses.
The certificate is offered to all 魅色天堂, CCGA, and Clayton State students online. Courses are taught in the collaborative platform GoVIEW, but students register for them in their own institution’s Banner.
Contact Us
Samantha Powell
Senior Administrative Secretary
West Hall Room 135
For students who are not currently enrolled at 魅色天堂 visit the Admissions Page and the Online Readiness page at eLearning.
For currently enrolled students at 魅色天堂 visit Online Readiness and Blazeview Students Guide at eLearning to find out more about registering for online courses.
Program Courses and Requirements
SPAN 2001 (if needed) |
0-3 hours |
SPAN 2002 (if needed) |
0-3 hours |
SPAN 3012 Applied Spanish Conversation |
3 hours |
SPAN 3014 Language, Culture and Adv. Conversation |
3 hours |
SPAN 4500 Profession-Related Practicum or Study Abroad |
3 hours |
Total hours required for the Certificate |
9-15 hours |
All courses associated with this certificate are offered online.
Selected Educational Outcomes
Students will:
Build proficiency in the Spanish language with emphasis upon speaking and listening within the context of the many cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
Speak Spanish in professional situations that require knowledge of the specialized vocabulary and task-based protocols needed within a specific profession.
Achieve at least an intermediate mid to intermediate high ACTFL proficiency level.
A grade of “C” or better is required in each course.
Modern and Classical Languages
1306 West Hall
Email Address -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5948
- Fax: 229.333.7416
Monday to Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.