Dear Marketing Major:

This map is a sample term-by-term course schedule.  It is intended as a guideline to assist you in scheduling your courses in a way that will enable you to graduate in four years.  If you follow this guideline you would be able to build a “full schedule” each semester. However, you are strongly urged to consult your course catalog so that you are aware of course prerequisites.  Finally, you are advised to sign-up for and successfully complete your prerequisites as early as possible as taking the prerequisites makes it possible for you to take other courses within your program of study.  Not taking the prerequisites as early as possible will hinder your academic progress and might add time to your degree completion.

Marketing is a discipline that deals with how businesses address the needs of customers and other stakeholders and decision-makers.  Marketers are involved in the design and creation of products, promoting those products to a variety of target audiences, ensuring the safe and efficient distribution of those products to customers, and pricing those products in such a way that both parties involved in an exchange feel that their needs have been satisfied by receiving the appropriate value.  Our internship program provides students with the opportunity to enhance these skills in a real-world business environment.  Students who graduate with a marketing degree find jobs in all different types of industries ranging from sports and entertainment to production and manufacturing to sales and advertising.

Students who complete the major in marketing will graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing degree. The program in marketing is approved by the Langdale College of Business, an AACSB-accredited business school. All marketing majors complete the general education requirements in Areas A through E along with the 18 hours of major prerequisites in Area F before applying for admittance into the business school. Additionally, students will take 18 hours of business core classes along with at least 24 hours of marketing coursework. These courses provide each student with a solid background in marketing within a business environment.  Students can enhance their marketing degree by focusing on one of the following areas: advertising and promotion; professional selling; general marketing; supply-chain management; and/or business analytics (for the business elective courses).  To graduate, students must achieve a minimum Overall 2.0 GPA and a minimum 魅色天堂 2.0 GPA.  Graduates with an undergraduate degree in marketing have the option of pursuing a career or an advanced degree.

With appropriate planning and maintenance of an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher, both the bachelor’s degree and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees can be completed in five years.  MBA graduates are well-prepared for careers in any business enterprise.

Please see the current course curriculum.

Program website:

Office Location: Health Sciences and Business Administration (HSBA), Suite 3002

Mapping Coordinator:  Jie Fowler, Ph.D.        E-mail:

Year 1

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 1101(H) 3
MATH 1101(H) or 1111(H) 3
Lab Science 4
POLS 1101(H) 3
BUSA 1105 3
Total hours 16
Spring Hrs.
ENGL 1102(H) 3
Science/Math 3
Lab science 4
HIST 2111(H) or 2112(H) 3
PERS 27xx - (Personal Finance & Global Economy) 2
Total hours 15

Milestones: Complete Georgia History requirement. Complete Georgia Government requirement. Declare major. Overall 2.5 GPA or higher. Accumulate 30 or more collegiate credits with Min. Overall 2.0 GPA and Min. 魅色天堂 2.0 GPA.

Year 2

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 2111(H) or 2112(H) or 2113(H) 3
Social Science (Econ) 2105 3
ACCT 2101 3
BUSA 2201 3
Total hours 14
Spring Hrs.
Social Science 3
ACCT 2102 3
ECON 2106 3
BUSA 2106 3
BUSA 2100 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Accumulate 60 or more collegiate credits with Min. Overall 2.0 GPA and Min. 魅色天堂 2.0 GPA.

Year 3

Fall Hrs.
BUSA 3100 3
MKTG 3050(H) 3
MGNT 3250(H) 3
FIN 3350(H) 3
Humanities/Fine Arts 3
BUSA 2999* 0
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
MKTG 3620 3
MKTG 3650 3
Marketing Elective(Any unlisted 3000 or 4000 level)** 3
Business Elective (MKTG Elective Suggested) 3
General Elective (Non Business) 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Accumulate 90 or more collegiate credits with Min. Overall 2.0 GPA and Min. 魅色天堂 2.0 GPA. *Complete BUSA 2999 prior to end of Year 3. **Include MKTG 4680 as a MKTG Elective if not selected as International Course.

Year 4

Fall Hrs.
International Course (MKTG 4680 Suggested) 3
MKTG 4900 3
MKTG Elective (Any Unlisted 3000 or 4000 level)**
Business Elective (MKTG Elective Suggested) 3
General Elective (Non Business) 3
BUSA 3999*** 3
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
Marketing Elective 3
BUSA 4900 3
Business Elective (Marketing Elective suggested) 3
Business Elective (Marketing Elective suggested) 3
General Elective 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Apply for graduation one semester before anticipated date. Accumulate 120 collegiate credits with Min. Overall 2.0 GPA and Min. 魅色天堂 2.0 GPA. ***Complete BUSA 3999 prior to end of Yr. 4