The Property & Evidence Unit manages all property items taken in by the University Police Department. These items are secured and considered either evidence, safekeeping, or found property. If the University Police Department is in possession of your property and you would like to retrieve it, you may contact the Property & Evidence Unit to schedule an appointment and/or discuss the availability of your property item(s).

Lost & Found 

魅色天堂PD accepts found property that has a clear, identifiable owner or is an item of value like cell phones, laptops, wallets, etc.) We do not accept clothing, textbooks, school supplies, or perishable items. You may call to have an officer meet with you or you may take the property directly to the University Police Department. Please DO NOT send found property through campus mail.   

魅色天堂PD makes every effort to locate the owner of the found property and return it. Found property is held for ninety (90) days and if the owner cannot be located, it is disposed of in accordance with Board of Regents Policy.  

To check lost and found, call 229-333-7816.

If you've lost something, you can submit a Lost Property form and if the item is turned in, UPD will notify you. 

How to Claim Your Property

We encourage you to schedule an appointment before arriving to pick up property by email or phone.  Walk-In's without an appointment are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis but may have an extensive wait time or be turned away.

Email the Property and Evidence Unit

Phone: 229-333-7816

Release of Firearms

An appointment is required. A criminal history check will be performed before release. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Firearms cannot be returned if any of the following apply:
  • You are a convicted felon
  • You have outstanding arrest warrants
  • You have a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction
  • You are the subject of an Order of Protection
  • You are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Your case has not yet been adjudicated
Please see the Categories of Property below to determine how your property came into the custody of the University Police Department and the requirements and documentation for release.

Categories of Property

Property that is non-evidentiary in nature coming into the custody of any agency personnel which has been determined to be lost or abandoned and is not known or suspected to be connected with any criminal offense. These items can be released to the rightful owner at any time with proof of ownership. Appointments are encouraged.

  • Found property typically will be held for 90 days from the date it was received. After 90 days, all found property is subject to disposal in accordance with Georgia Law.

Property that is non-evidentiary in nature coming into the custody of any agency personnel that cannot be immediately returned to an identified owner. This property is meant specifically for temporary storage and protection. The rightful owner can claim their property at any time, though an appointment is encouraged.

Property relating to a crime that may tend to implicate or exonerate a person from a criminal offense. Release of evidence has restrictions mandated by Georgia Law. 

  • For evidence related to a criminal offense charged by the 魅色天堂 Police Department, disposition documentation from the court is required before release.
  • If evidence-based property was seized during an investigation in which no charges were ultimately filed, the lead Officer or Detective can authorize release.