The program is a blend of traditional class room learning, online courses, one-on-one work with a faculty member and a experiential learning experiences, including study abroad. A recommened well-rounded program should look at the inclusion of:

  • Community engagement
  • Study-abroad, including semester- or year-long academic exchanges
  • Career shadowing and mentoring in a relevant organization within the international experiences
  • Internships in areas with global outreach focus
  • Undergraduate research or professional scholarship
  • Leadership activities with global exposure
  • International creative activities and performances

The minor in International Studies consists of:

  1. A core component that is required of all students taking the minor and 
  2. A minor concentration tailored to individual student interests and backgrounds. 
Students must have and maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 to be admitted into and remain in the minor.

Minor in International studies...................................................18 hours

Core Requirements


INT'L 2090 Introduction to International/Intercultural Studies


INT'L 4800 Senior Capstone Project


Courses in the major field with emphasis on issues and activities in the global dimension


Minor Concentration


Must include at least 2 upper-division courses at 3000 level related to international studies. The concentration consists of up to three courses related to a particular world region of interest, an international problem or issue, or on an experiential learning application within a particular discipline. Student’s selection of courses must be approved by the advisor within their majors, the Director of International Programs and/or by the Coordinator of the Minor in International Studies. Courses within the concentration may be distributed as follows:

  1. Existing courses within the curriculum that address the above minor concentration requirements.
  2. Completion of a fourth semester language course at the intermediate or upper level appropriate to the focus of the student’s concentration.
  3. Special topics courses compatible with the student’s concentration.
  4. The Model United Nations or a similar course (INT'L 3170), if the focus of the course is appropriate to the student’s concentration.

Core Courses

INT'L 2090: An overview of international studies as a field of inquiry and practice. An examination of the primary approaches to international study, the development of cross-cultural perspectives in the study of international problems, and an appreciation of the complexities of cross-cultural communication are emphasized.

INT'L 4800: Development, assembly, and presentation of an extended research project geared along the lines of the student’s minor emphasis. This is done in conjunction with a faculty supervisor in that field.

Courses in the Major: Relevant courses on international/global issues that are approved by the advisor. 

Experiential Learning Exposure: All students in the minor must engage in a study abroad experience relevant to their particular area of emphasis. This requirement can be fulfilled also with participation in at least one 3000 level class with experiential learning tht includes international issues. For those who want to focus on study abroad as high impact experiences please contact the CIP Study Abroad Coordinator at or call 229-333-7410.

Upper Division Courses

Please review the list of relevant upper division course offerings by 魅色天堂 Colleges: Classes Towards a Minor in International Studies .

These classes are accepted towards the International Studies Minor concentration requirements.


Students who plan to declare an International Studies Minor (ISM) need to register with the program by completing the required  with the Registrar Office. The Director or the Coordinator of the ISM Program are the officers who will sign off on the from after conducting an advisory face-to-face discussion related to the academic goals, plans, and eventual graduation term of the applicant.