
b'STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS1 Apply Online to 魅色天堂 at www.valdosta.edu/apply as aDual Enrollment student.2Request for a current high school transcript to be sent toValdosta State.3Complete the GAfutures Dual Enrollment Funding Applicationand Participation agreement form with your counselor.4Submit official SAT or ACT test scores to Valdosta State.These may be sent from College Board. POPULAR DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSES High school and home schoolBIOL 1010 ENGL 1101/1102 PSYC 1101Introduction toComposition Introduction tostudents in 魅色天堂s Dual EnrollmentBiology MATH 1111 General PsychologyBIOL 1020* College Algebra SOCI 1101Program benefit from the resourcesBiodiversity Lab (for STEM majors) Introduction toCOMM 1100 Sociologyof a major state university, whereHumanMATH 1101Introduction toHIST 2111Communication Mathematical ModelingU.S. History to 1865they can easily transition from high(for non-STEM majors)COMM 1110 HIST 2112school to college. The rigor and pacePublic Speaking MATH 1113 U.S. History Since 1865of our classes will prepare you forECON 1500 Pre-Calculus CS 1301/1302success anywhere.Survey of Economics SPAN 1001/1002 Computer Science I & IIECON 2105/2106 Beginning Spanish *Not all 魅色天堂 courses are approved for Dual Enrollment Macroeconomics/POLS 1101 Funding. Check the GAfutures Microeconomics American Government website for a list of approved courses.'