Educational Leadership (Tier I) - Certification Only
- Total Credit Hours: Varied
- Degree Format: Online
About this field
The Certification-Only Tier I Educational Leadership program is a comprehensive program of study including course work and related field experiences leading to a Tier I Georgia certificate in Educational Leadership. Candidates participating in the certification-only program may add the Tier I educational leadership certificate to an existing Level 5 Georgia certificate by completing the elements of this program not completed in another master’s program.
The Valdosta State Difference
The primary goal of the Educational Leadership program is to link the theoretical and philosophical frameworks of educational leadership to actual practice. This is accomplished with field experiences included as a part of the candidate’s program of study and documented through the candidate’s Inventory of Leadership Experience. The internship components of the educational leadership program require candidates to complete field experience activities in a school or district setting. During the internship, the candidate is expected to assist in significant and varied administrative responsibilities under the guidance of the Candidate Support Team (CST) consisting of the candidate, a Leadership Mentor, and the 魅色天堂 Advisor. The goal is to develop the candidate’s leadership and management abilities by engaging in problem analysis, collecting relevant data, collaborative problem-solving, participating in curricular and instructional activities, and participating in instructional supervision.
What You'll Learn
The Educational Leadership program is designed to provide future leaders:
- The opportunity to acquire practical experience in school leadership;
- A linkage of theory and practice;
- Experiences integrating problem resolution and decision-making;
- Exposure to selected aspects of educational leadership;
- The opportunity to experiment with new ideas, approaches, and strategies in a low-risk, supportive environment; and,
- A basis for assessing professional strengths and needs for further development.
Cost and Length of Program
The maximum length of the Tier I Certification-Only program is five semesters. The actual length and program of study are determined by prior degree and the nature of courses within one’s transcript. The estimated cost for the entire program, based on Fall 2015 tuition, is $10,297.00*. Anticipated tuition cost is determined by the amount of credit hours transferred from prior graduate work (as appropriate).
(*Cost computed based on Fall 2016 rates.)
Admissions Requirements
To be considered for admission the applicant must have/hold a:
Master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university;
Cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for a graduate degree, calculated on all work attempted in which letter grades are awarded; applicants having a cumulative grade point average between 2.75 and 2.99 on a 4.0 scale for a graduate degree must submit a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Miller’s Analogy Test (MAT) score. Recommended scores for admission are:
- GRE - 145 Verbal and 139 Quantitative
- MAT - 380
Provide evidence of a passing score on the GACE Program Admission Assessment or GACE Basic Skills assessment is to be provided. NOTE: Professionally certified educators (valid or expired) are not required to meet the Program Admission Assessment requirement to enroll for the purpose of adding a new field of certification. Applicants may submit a copy of the official score report meeting the following thresholds on the following exams as documentation of a GACE Program Admission Assessment exemption for state certification requirements:
- GRE taken before August 2011: 1030 (Verbal + Quantitative
- GRE taken August 2011 or later: 297 (Verbal + Quantitative)
- SAT: 1000 (Verbal + Quantitative)
- ACT: 43 (English + Math)
- SAT and ACT scores may be documented by an official high school transcript, official college transcript with scores posted, or a score report from the testing service.
Evidence of completion of the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment (Program Entry Test 370). A copy of a Certificate of Completion should be submitted with the application packet.
Career goal statement serving as a writing sample. The statement must demonstrate 1) the ability to organize and articulate thoughts, 2) writing skills including grammar and punctuation, and 3) the ability to set goals consistent with one’s desired career path. The statement must address the applicant’s career goals, how the degree contributes to reaching these career goals, and why 魅色天堂 was selected for this graduate work. This career goal statement should be no more than 250 words and is to be submitted to the Graduate School with the other application materials.
Be employed with a system/agency having an active partnership with 魅色天堂 to supervise a residency experience for the candidate. Click here for a roster of partnerships.
Proof of Liability Insurance
Provide proof of liability insurance coverage either through their place of employment or membership in a professional organization; e.g., PAGE or GAE. Click here for a District Waiver for Liability Insurance Form.
Program of Study
Area A: Leadership - 12 hours
The faculty advisor will collaborate with candidate and school system partners to identify an appropriate elective.
Course Number & Title | Credit Hours |
LEAD 7420 Ethical & Legal Issues for Leadership | 3 |
LEAD 8030 School Culture, Change and Organizational Dynamics | 3 |
LEAD 8240 Managing Resources for School Improvement | 3 |
LEAD 7310 Leadership for Community and Public Relations | 3 |
Area B: Curriculum & Instruction - 12 hours
The faculty advisor will collaborate with candidate and school system partners to identify an appropriate elective.
Course Number & Title | Credit Hours |
RSCH 8000 Advanced Research Methodology | 3 |
CIED 7060 Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Integration | 3 |
LEAD 7120 Instructional Leadership & Supervisory Practices for Improved Teaching & Learning | 3 |
LEAD 7130 Technology Leadership for School Improvement | 3 |
Area C: Field Based Activities - 6 hours
Field-based activities must be conducted at either the building or system level. The two tracks are differentiated by the performance component—the level at which the residency is completed.
Course Number & Title | Credit Hours |
LEAD 7920 Leadership Field-Based Experiences II | 3 |
LEAD 7930 Leadership Field-Based Experiences III | 3 |
Other Requirements
- A 3.0 GPA must be maintained for all graduate work; courses with grade of D or below will not be applied.
- An Inventory of Leadership Experience must be successfully completed.
- Completion of all COEHS LiveText forms including candidate information, dispositions survey (pre and post), and field experiences.
- A GACE Educational Leadership score must be recorded--a passing score is required for certification but not graduation.
- The Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership Exit Assessment (Test 380) must be completed -- a passing score is required for certification, but not graduation.
- 229.333.5633
- 229.259.5094
Curriculum, Leadership, and Technology Building
Second Floor
1310 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698