ࡱ> KMJ@ bjbjFF (>,,   jT T T T T ///npppppp$YR!/////T T / T T n/nrTT H ~ 9 bj0pq"Cq"q"\///////   SOCI 3190 Clinical Sociology Rubric for Effective Prior Learning Assessment Submissions Components shaded would be essential for all assessments. Other components may not be relevant to all assessments. They would be included and revised as appropriate for the specific course. Candidates must score at the minimum level of able in each element of the rubric. ITEMMasterfulAbleDevelopingSOURCES OF LEARNING (EXPERIENCES)Documentation and description of experiences as a basis for PLA.Sources of Learning section succinctly narrates and describes the significance of the candidates relevant learning experiences and establishes the candidate as qualified to write on the subject. Completed in PLA 2000EVIDENCE OF LEARNING (COMPETENCIES)Evidence (overall)Candidate provides evidence of learning from experience. Evidence aligned with specific learning outcomesCandidate provides adequate and appropriate evidence of each learning outcome listed in the course syllabus. Understand and apply ethical competence in structuring interviews; Understand and apply the four dimensions of attending behavior; Understand and apply interview questions in terms of the eight major issues around questions; Understand and apply the three observational skills; Understand and apply the three active listening skills; Understand and apply components of the reflection of feeling; Understand and apply the five stages/dimensions of the interview; Understand and apply the three skills of confrontation; Understand and apply different areas for focusing the interview; Understand and apply components in the reflection of meaning; Understand and apply the six influencing skills; Demonstrate an integrative approach to structuring interviews; Understand and apply a theory of interviewing. Evidence aligned with personal experienceFrom the candidates discussion of personal examples, it is clear that the learning arose from the candidates experience and/or experience represents the candidates understanding of the topic. Evidence aligned with academic theoryAppropriate amount and use of academic theory is integrated within the submission, so that the candidates learning is grounded in the academic frameworks of the topic. QUALITY OF PRESENTATION OF SUBMISSIONBreadth / Depth of SubmissionThere is an appropriate depth and breadth of discussion related to requested credits (upper vs. lower division, and amount).Introduction / ConclusionIntroduction effectively introduces the topic in general and the contents of the essay specifically. Conclusion effectively summarizes main points and states significance of the essay topic.Citation of Source MaterialIn-text and end-of-text citations of all sourced materials are correct and complete.DocumentationDocumentation is effective evidence of experience; documentation is effectively referred to within submission, and its significance and relevance is clear.Sentence Structure, Mechanics, and Overall PresentationPLA submission is well-organized, uses adequate subheadings clearly aligned with competencies, and progresses in logical, convincing order. Each sentence structured effectively; rich, well-chosen variety of sentence styles and length. Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization errors; appropriate format and presentation for assignment. Exceptional vocabulary range, accuracy, and correct and effective word usage. PLA submission is professionally presented, complete, and clear. 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