ࡱ> xzw} bjbj55 4b__t t \'&TSSSSSSS$VXHSSS SSNK7R@6Q N0SS0&TO$XX`7R7RXRSSLR&TXt }: CS 4122 Rubric for Prior Learning Assessment Submissions Course description: CS 4122 (Data Communications and Computer Networks II) aims at synchronizing students with several advanced areas in data communications and computer networks, including Ethernet and CSMA/CD protocol, FDDI and timely token passing, ATM and leaky-bucket cell admission control, wireless/mobile networks and mobility management principles, multimedia networking and video streaming, network security and data cryptography, etc. Students are exposed to the underlying theory, algorithms, and protocols in details, sometimes down to the bit level. Networking-related problem analysis, TCP/IP and UDP/IP socket programming in Java, presentations (on some general topics of networking) are the three major components in this class. Candidates must score at the minimum level of able in each element of the rubric. ITEMMasterfulAbleDevelopingSOURCES OF LEARNING (EXPERIENCES)Documentation and description of experiences as a basis for PLA.Sources of Learning section succinctly narrates and describes the significance of the candidates relevant learning experiences and establishes the candidate as qualified to write on the subject. Completed in PLA 2000EVIDENCE OF LEARNING (COMPETENCIES)Evidence (overall)Candidate provides evidence of learning from experience. Evidence aligned with specific learning outcomesCandidate provides adequate and appropriate evidence of each learning outcome listed in the course syllabus. Note: learning objectives should include process skills (possible suggestions below) as well as content topics. On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to Describe the fundamental principles and core mechanisms in advanced areas like Ethernet, FDDI, ATM, wireless networking, multimedia networking, network security, etc. Apply such principles in analyzing real-world protocols rigorously, even some of which may not be familiar. Accomplish client-server projects using TCP/IP and UDP/IP sockets in Java. Beyond basic socket programming, they are also fluent in coding message framing (encoding) and parsing (decoding), multithreaded server, and thread pooling. Communicate networking ideas using correct representation in both written and oral forms. Evidence aligned with specific content topicsFrom the candidates discussion of personal examples, it is clear that the learning arose from the candidates experience and/or experience represents the candidates understanding of the topic. Ethernet and CSMA/CD protocol FDDI and timely token passing ATM and cell admission control Wireless/mobile networks and mobility management principles Multimedia networking and video streaming Network security and data cryptography TCP/IP and UDP/IP socket programming in Java Note: any of the topics above can be substituted by some other advanced networking topic of the candidates choice. Such substitution is subject to instructors approval though. Evidence aligned with personal experienceFrom the candidates discussion of personal examples, it is clear that the learning arose from the candidates experience and/or experience represents the candidates understanding of the topic. This element reduces temptation to cut and paste information from reference materials. The documentation must include a meaningful description of the activities leading to the prior learning, an explanation of how each activity relates to the topic, and a discussion of how the topic fits into the general scope of the course. Evidence aligned with academic theoryAppropriate amount and use of academic theory is integrated within the submission, so that the candidates learning is grounded in the academic frameworks of the topic. Provide a justification of the clear understanding of the logics and rationales behind each major step in networking protocols the candidate lists in his/her PLA submission. QUALITY OF PRESENTATION OF SUBMISSIONBreadth / Depth of SubmissionThere is an appropriate depth and breadth of discussion related to requested credits (upper vs. lower division, and amount).Introduction / ConclusionIntroduction effectively introduces the topic in general and the contents of the essay specifically. Conclusion effectively summarizes main points and states significance of the essay topic.Citation of Source MaterialIn-text and end-of-text citations of all sourced materials are correct and complete.DocumentationDocumentation is effective evidence of experience; documentation is effectively referred to within submission, and its significance and relevance is clear.Sentence Structure, Mechanics, and Overall PresentationPLA submission is well-organized, uses adequate subheadings clearly aligned with competencies, and progresses in logical, convincing order. Each sentence structured effectively; rich, well-chosen variety of sentence styles and length. Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization errors; appropriate format and presentation for assignment. Exceptional vocabulary range, accuracy, and correct and effective word usage. PLA submission is professionally presented, complete, and clear. Note: information in red was provided by Zhiguang Xu. In addition to PLA submission, the candidate will be asked to take a written test and write a networking related program in Java (or C). The final conclusion will be drawn based on the results of all these three activities (Please refer to the following weight-distribution chart for details). Assessment MethodDescriptionWeightDocumentationSee the rubric above30%TestProblems will be selected to test candidates theoretical background and analytical capabilities50%ProgramBasic client/server programming in Java (or C)20% 9:MNTU 6 : K P D J K n```P?!h!b:h!b:56B*\o(phh!b:h!b:56B*\phh!b:h!b:6B*o(ph$h6B*PJ]nHo(phtHh!b:h!b:6B*ph!h!b:6B*PJnHo(phtH'h*{h!b:6B*PJnHo(phtHh*{h7 5B*phh*{h7 B*ph hEyh JhEyhEx5CJaJ h!b:5CJPJaJnHo(tH h-5CJPJaJnHo(tH9:$ % z { | $$Ifa$gd2)gdEygd J$a$gdEx K l # $ % z { | 㰩}uiu]RG?AB\:>?wghi~쬡teWh|5CJPJaJnHtHh,v0CJPJaJnHo(tHh$17CJPJaJnHo(tHh*{CJPJaJnHo(tHh)FNhEyB*CJaJphhEyhEyCJaJ,h*{hEyB*CJPJaJnHo(phtH#hhCJPJaJnHo(tHhEyhExCJaJhEyhEx5CJaJ hEyhExhEyhEx5CJaJ?@A|||| $Ifgd2)zkd$$Ifl$*  t 0644 lap yt2)AB\[R>>RR & F \$If^\gdEx $Ifgd2)kdb$$Ifl\ h $  t0644 layt2):[RRRR $Ifgd2)kd& $$Ifl\ h $  t0644 layt2)<=>[RRRR $Ifgd2)kd $$Ifl\ h $  t0644 layt2)>?wb$e[R>>>>> & F \$If^\gdEx $Ifgd2)kd $$Ifl\ h $  t0644 layt2)efghiRMHHHHgd7 gdkdr $$Ifl\ h $  t0644 layt2) $Ifgd2) (*eotFG{ԲwewSBSe hAh,v0CJPJaJnHtH#hAh,v0CJPJaJnHo(tH#hAh$17CJPJaJnHo(tH&hAh$17CJPJ\aJnHo(tH#hAh$17CJPJaJnHo(tH)hAh$175CJPJ\aJnHo(tH&hAh$175CJPJ\aJnHtHh|5CJPJaJnHtHh$17CJPJaJnHo(tHh,v0CJPJaJnHo(tHh$17CJPJaJnHtH^kd6 $$IflF $x x x  t06    44 laytA$Ifgd7 l |K888$Ifgd7 l kd $$IflF $x x x   t06    44 lapytAq^K^$Ifgd,v0l $Ifgd7 l kd $$IflF $x x x  t06    44 laytAIJthlhCJaJh$17CJPJaJnHo(tH#hAhACJPJaJnHo(tH#hAh$17CJPJaJnHo(tH#hAh,v0CJPJaJnHo(tH&hAh$17CJPJ\aJnHo(tH)hAh$175CJPJ\aJnHo(tH#hAh$17CJPJaJnHo(tH KFgd7 kd`$$IflF $x x x   t06    44 lapytA21h:p/ =!"#$% $$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5h%#vh%:V l  t 065*p yt2)#$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l  t(065 555p(yt$$If!vh5h%#vh%:V l  t 065*p yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)#$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l  t(065 555p(yt#$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l  t(065 555p(yt$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5h%#vh%:V l  t 065*p yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5{ 55y5#v{ #v#vy#v:V l t065 555yt2)$$If!vh5x 5x 5x #vx :V l t065x /  / ytA$$If!vh5x 5x 5x #vx :V l  t065x / pytA$$If!vh5x 5x 5x #vx :V l t065x / ytA$$If!vh5x 5x 5x #vx :V l  t065x / pytAj 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nHsH tHL`L ExNormal$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List DOD ExNormal1dd[$\$ OJQJ^JJJ Ex Body Text1dd[$\$ OJQJ^Jv@v  Table Grid7:V0 OJPJQJN^@"N ! 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