
Holly Buglewicz Portrait

Holly Buglewicz

Lecturer of Communication

  • M.A., Communication
    University of Nebraska
  • B.S., Business Administration - Marketing
    University of Nebraska

Holly Buglewicz graduated from the University of Nebraska – Omaha (UNO) with a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Marketing and minors in Management and Communication Studies. She went on to receive her Master of Arts in Communication Studies.

As a scholar, the primary scope of her research involves interpersonal and family communication. As an interpretive scholar, Buglewicz's thesis was a qualitative study that explored the effects of parental divorce on young adult male romantic relationships. She continues to expand her research in the realm of interpersonal relationships and family communication. In recent years, she has explored and advised student researchers on topics of family dynamics and communication; family communication and social structures; organizational communication and leadership; inclusivity and intercultural communication in the workplace.

Buglewicz has been teaching in higher education since 2013.  Prior to coming to 魅色天堂, she has worked in the Communication Department at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and most recently, was a full-time faculty member at Colorado Mesa University in the Theatre Arts Department. Within the field, she has taught a variety of Human Communication courses including:

  • Public Speaking
  • Introduction to Communication Studies
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Communication and Leadership
  • Family Communication
  • Special Topics in Communication
  • Independent Studies in Communication

In addition to the above courses, Buglewicz has taught First Year College Success, an introductory course for new students. As an educator, her goal is to engage students by showing them the applicability of communication within any given situation. Additionally, she hopes to instill a sense of responsibility in her students, not only in their scholarship, but also, in their roles as community members. She believes the best way to identify areas of individual growth is to get comfortable being uncomfortable, with this, she challenges her students to lean into their discomfort in order to expand their minds. She helps her students learn how to think critically, raise questions, and be active agents in the classroom and the community.